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Easy note entry (click a note where you want it to go, or play it on the piano). Use either the tools palette or the convenient keyboard shortcuts. You can choose to have the program enter bar lines automatically, or enter them yourself where you want them.

Easy viewing. Work in either double-size or normal.

Easy entry of lyrics or other text. Lyric syllables align automatically with notes.

Easy entry of chord symbols. Use the standard names supplied by Songworks, or any chord name you like.

Easily print at any size. Tiny notes or huge notes. If the scaling is set small, more measures fit on the printed page.

Everything's adjustable! Drag note stems to adjust flags and beams, drag bar lines to compress or expand measures (Songworks does not require a fixed number of measures per line). Drag notes up or down to change their pitch. Like this:

Chord symbols are audible! Hear that chord accompaniment play with your melody in your choice of playpattern). Available playpatterns range from Boogie-Woogie to Arpeggios:

Identifies any chord you play! When in the 'chord layer,' Songworks will analyze any chord you play, will show you its name, and will enter the appropriate chord symbol for that chord if you press the Enter key.

Can suggest chords to go with your melody! Listen to the suggestions and then try making changes.

Can automatically convert chord symbols to written piano accompaniment with your choice of accompaniment pattern.
