The first version of Practica Musica was released over 30 years ago ("Best education software of 1987" - MacUser) and is now in its 7th edition: a complete music education package that even includes a digital textbook with live music examples (Exploring Theory with Practica Musica.) Whether you are studying at home or in a class, Practica Musica offers a thorough and friendly education in how the music we love works - as well as training you to read the standard notation in which it is written all over the world. Music is truly an international language and the basic principles learned here can applied in understanding widely different types of music from every culture.
Easy to navigate. Practica Musica 7 has a colorful new look - its 190 learning activities are organized into topic columns sorted by difficulty so that you can find the activities that are right for you. Click on the icon for any activity to read a brief description of the material it covers. You can choose learning activities "a la carte," or you can open the included digital textbook and do the suggested activities as recommended in each chapter.
Includes the 4th edition of Exploring Theory with Practica Musica. The digital 4th edition of Exploring Theory is revised and expanded, with many new music examples presented as movies within the pages. Be sure to play the music examples!
A complete course. Practica Musica 7 covers not only a wide range of topics but also a wide range of difficulty: everything from the most basic starting exercise to advanced topics. Learn to hear the materials of music, learn to read and understand music notation, study melody construction, voiceleading, and harmonization. By combining the software with the included textbook and its music examples you can go as far as you like. You'll find a complete list of activities with descriptions in our Activity Library.
Instructional Videos. Visit our YouTube instructional videos to see the Practica Musica 7 interface and how activities work. Examples of how music is edited also are available for viewing.
Interactive. OK, it was always interactive. This is what the computer is good for! Do you want to learn to hear the difference between different chords? Practica Musica will tell you when you're on the right track. Want to learn how to write melody by ear? Practica Musica can invent endless examples for you to practice with, and tell you when you get them right. It can even perform sophisticated tasks for an advanced student: pointing out errors when writing a chorale in 4 parts, for example.
Includes notation tools. The "composition" activity provides basic notation tools that are perfect for doing a school assignment: write a melody, a chorale, a duet - and you can hear it, print it, save it, even export it as a MIDI or Music XML file.
For home or school. The included textbook helps you to progress on your own. If you're using Practica Musica in a school environment your class will have access to our online WebStudents system for storing progress reports or music assignments. Your intructor can post activities there, perhaps after customizing them, and they will appear in the Instructor column of each student's copy of the program.
Testimonials. See what Practica Musica owners are saying on our customer testimonials page.
Screen piano and fretboard. The letter keyboard itself acts like a little "piano" (the middle row representing the natural keys) and you can use any of several keyboard displays: a normal piano, an "enharmonic" piano that specifies distinctions between sharps and flats, and even a guitar fretboard. In some activities the keys are labeled with solfege syllables or note names.

Compatibility with the latest systems. Practica Musica 7 is compatible with both Windows 10/11 computers (even the Surface Go) and Macintosh computers from OS 10.11 onward. No external equipment is needed, though if you want to do the real-time melody reading activity an external MIDI piano would be handy.
Purchasing Site licenses can be purchased at our orders page, and personal copies are now available for secure download at the Windows Store ($29.99) and the Apple Mac Store ($29.99).