Academic Information
The Practica Musica Family/Studio Edition is for personal use, or for use by several family members, by students using a teacher's studio computer, or individual students using the program in connection with a class. It allows multiple student accounts on the same computer, and the primary user has the power to delete user files as needed. If using it for classwork, the student can enter the school's free "webstudents" account name and that will put progress reports where the teacher can see them, and will also allow the teacher to post suggested activities to the student's "From your instructor" list of suggested activities. It can be downloaded for either Macintosh or a Windows10/11 computers. The All editions of Practica Musica include the digital multimedia textbook Exploring Theory and all activities, plus access to the online music library. Teachers using Practica Musica with their students can email us to request instructor status, which will let them upload customized learning activities to the class account from within Practica Musica. Those will then appear in the From Instructor section of each student's copy of the program. Instructor status also allows viewing student progress reports from within the program. To get instructor status, teachers need only give us the serial number of their copy of the program (visible under the program name on the title page) and the name of the school. The class accounts also have management tools accessible at the WebStudents link on our front page, but most of these are now available from within the program. |
Purchased and owned by the school, the Practica Musica 7 Site now comes in two different forms: one, the Lab Edition, can be installed on computers in a school lab or on school-owned laptops. The Lab Edition allows students to either choose their name from the class list or create a new personal file. The Lab Edition saves nothing on the local computer; it connects to the class "webstudents" account online so that students in a lab will always be able to find their name in the student list. Students in a site-licensed school can also download a home copy of the site-licensed program at no charge to them, and can sign it in using the name of the school's webstudents account. The program will then automatically connect to the school's account whenever it is launched. Students can use the program both at home and in a school lab but if doing so they should first create a student record in their home copy so that the same record is available to choose when they go to the computer lab. The Lab Edition should be installed by school techs: it is not for home use. Students who have purchased a personal copy of the program for their home use are also free to use the Lab Edition if the school has one; they are not counted in the site user count. Instructors view online copies of student progress via the new View Student Progress option (see above). Like the Family/Studio Edition, both forms of the Site Edition contain all Practica Musica 7 learning activities and the Exploring Theory digital multimedia textbook. Instructors can use the management tools at our WebStudents page to remove students no longer in the class to make room for others. |
Purchased and owned by the student, the Counterpointer Personal Edition is ideal for students who have either a Macintosh or a Windows 10 computer available. The personal edition is the complete Counterpointer, including a guide to writing species counterpoint and all activities. If in a class using Ars Nova's "Webstudents" system, Counterpointer regularly uploads student progress data via the Internet to the class account. These scores then are available to the class instructor via a password-protected WebStudents Control Panel web page (read more about WebStudents). |
Purchased and owned by the school, the Counterpointer 3 Site Edition can now be installed to the students' own personal computers, which is ideal for remote learning. Students need no authorization beyond the Webstudents account name of their class and are given a link to download their own copy of the program. Instructors view student progress via the Webstudents online service at Ars Nova. Like the Personal Edition, the site edition contains all Counterpointer learning activities and the guide to writing species counterpoint. Licenses of downloaded copies last as long as the site license is valid. Instructors can remove students no longer in the class in order to make room for others. The Site Edition can also be used on school computers but requires an individual user account for each student. On the Macintosh, these are created with the Users and Groups option in System Preferences; on Windows they are created using Settings/Accounts. If a student has a personal login on the computer it will connect that student with a personal file for Practica Musica just as it would on a student-owned computer. |